Friday, January 9, 2015

Building the right base, who know the typical mistakes to avoid!

The pain of separation, mourning, and all others by separation triggered emotions often tempted to act unplanned and thoughtless. Many people fall quickly in one or the other faux pas, or even commit without knowing it, very serious mistake.
Subdued pain of separation - A reunited couple

Fortunately, it is very simple, the typical error (my colleague Anne breakfast lovers are also called like "Love Slayer") to avoid if you know one. According to our findings are the most common and most critical error 5 the following:

     Failed to contact with the ex, or:
         Too frequent contact
         Too little contact
         Contact the wrong time
         Incorrect behavior during contact
     Mishandling of the lovelorn
     Neglect one's own life
         Let themselves go (comfort eating, alcohol, drugs, etc.)
         Give himself up even
         Not working on themselves
     accept friend
     Lack of initiative / lack of strategy

Moreover, in the literature and from leading marriage counselor also many other typical errors are mentioned, we see again and again in practice. Here are the 10 most frequently mentioned:

     Error or contact with the ex
     (Common) declarations of love to the person or ex
     Discuss (eg "But we fit so well together.")
     dependency declarations
     arouse pity
     Not understand or does not respond properly to enjoy the (true) separation reasons
     The incorrect processing of separation
     Be tempted to affection or sex with the ex-partner without being together again
     Every comment as an indication of interest indicate

So overall you get to 15 errors that occur in practice more or less frequently, and it should be said that it also may be other, very special error depending on the situation. Please avoid every one of these pretty typical mistakes. With a little discipline and self-control that everyone should be able. If you get into a situation in the next few days, where you can barely control your emotions, then it's best to, so you do not enticed a / n friend / in or your family visit or call from your emotions to a thoughtless act will.

For clarity, we have the most common mistakes in Ex Back compiled emergency assistance package and go there in detail on each of these errors, its consequences and its solution a.
Save relationship - couple with problems Broken Heart - Can the relationship be saved? Again Vereintes couple - the relationship was saved
3. Heartache - The biggest problem after separation

Heartache is one of the saddest feelings that haunt us in life. Hardly anyone is immune to it, but there are major differences from person to person in dealing with the heartache and its processing. In extreme cases, people come for a lifetime not over the loss of her partner away, in other cases the world is after a few days or weeks back in order. The normal duration of heartache located in most cases between 4-16 weeks.

The heartache can seriously affect the everyday life and the life of the person concerned. In some cases, the pain caused by the separation of inner emptiness, sadness and lethargy even hit into a depression. Of course, we want to ensure that it does not come to you.
The lovesickness vicious circle

Heartbreak leads to apathy and listlessness. This in turn leads to a life that is marked by Unternehmungslosigkeit and often loneliness. Single-be, lying on the couch or in bed, or mindlessly watching TV, going so far invite your thoughts to think on your / n ex again and again. With every free moment you become aware of more about how empty your life is currently and how much you miss your / n Ex. With every free minute your heartache even more, the pleasure and motivation is even greater, and the situation even more hopeless.

You can imagine where this lovesickness vicious circle leads quite simple. I think it is quite clear that the prospect of his / n ex back win back, break out of the vicious circle lovesickness with each round that you turn in this vicious circle, sinkt.Deshalb you need and as soon as possible!
Heartbreaks and attractiveness
Attractive Ex - Should we return? Trained by Ex - back or not?

The immediate effects of heartache only affect their own well-being. You feel bad and simply miserable. But unfortunately makes the heartbreak when their own well-being far from content. No, he also has a strong impact on the attractiveness own! Without that we know it ourselves, we appear much less attraktivauf our fellow human beings.

And I mean by appeal not only one's own appearance. Our appeal is made up of a lot more together, namely:

     our personality
     our broadcast
     Our self-confidence
     Our social position
     material things
     Our life balance / our lifestyle
     And of course our appearance

The more attractive and appealing you are, the greater your chances of winning your / n ex back. Because like any other man, also your ex-partner is attracted to attractive people.

Think about how your heartache influence your attractiveness. An example: Everyone is happy with cheerful, good-humored and positive people. Or did manage ever heard someone say, "Man, that's a cool guy who is always sad?" But as mentioned several times, makes lovelorn sad and antrieblos. This also has automatically from the own charisma and their own self-confidence. Your fellow men will feel no particularly great need to talk with you. Why not? Because you are not currently look attractive on them!
A short heartache test

Normally, you know that you suffer from lovesickness. How much of your own heartache is, or how far he has already made good progress, you can quickly check the following questions:

     Denkten several times daily, or even hourly at your / n ex?
     Can you Concentrating on work / study in / at school difficult on other things?
     Are you unmotivated and do almost nothing with your friends?
     Does your joy of life greatly diminished?
     If you have no desire to meet with other people to chat / or insulate even?
     Do you suffer from psychosomatic complaints, such as an upset stomach?
     Do you have trouble sleeping?
     Is your only topic of conversation with your friends Your / e ex?
     Missing you currently a future perspective in life?

The more of these questions have affirmed it, the more critical your situation is and the faster you should do something about your heartache. Some useful tips you will find information on these pages:

     Remedy for heartache - The practical heartache tips
     Heartache Help - Error and strategies

The main anti-lovesick-vitamins

No matter how big or small your heartache right now is just like a cold or the flu, you should ensure that you are given your life every day, the "right vitamins" against lovesickness. These include in particular the following vitamins:

     A deflection as
     B such as employment
     E for relaxation
     F like friends / family

These four vitamins show very well that the successful control of lovesickness is ourselves, for the above vitamin cocktail stands are available to all. We all have our destiny in our own hands, and with a little discipline, creativity and intelligence Can we - taking into account some simple tips, tools and resources - their own heartache control relatively well and overcome.

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