Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tips and Techniques to Get Ex Boyfriend Back

Do you want to get ex boyfriend back? Are you reeling from his desire to call the relationship quits? Do you have an empty place in your heart – and in your life – where he used to be? Here are some tips and techniques to get ex boyfriend back.

First of all, whatever you do, don’t chase him. This means lay off the texts, the phone calls, and the stalking. Don’t just show up where he happens to be. This stalking behavior will just turn him off. He’s got to want to come back to you, not the other way around. That’s the only way to get ex boyfriend back.

Instead of pursuing him, start to work on you. In order to get ex boyfriend back, you need to become a more positive person. You probably have many negative emotions right now including loss and hurt. You need to purge these feelings and get back on a positive note.

One way to do this is to write a long letter to your boyfriend talking about all of the good times you had, all of the hurts you experienced, and all of the things you wished you had told him. Once you have poured your heart out on paper, burn the letter. That’s right. Whatever you do, DON’T SEND THE LETTER. Instead, light a match and watch the flame consume the paper. This will give you some closure to that portion of the relationship.

After you have burned the letter, eliminate all negativity from your life. Don’t let your girlfriends talk badly about your ex. And, to the extent possible, be positive about your whole life.

When you do think about the relationship, remember what made it strong. Think about the good times you had. If you do occasionally talk to your ex, bring up the positive experiences and avoid fighting about the issues that ended it. If you want to get ex boyfriend back, you have to remind him what was good about the relationship.

To this end, focus your energy working on your strengths. For instance, if your boyfriend always praised you on being a good cook, take a gourmet cooking class. Get even better at the things you are good at.

But don’t neglect your weaknesses either. If your ex complained about how you were a slob, start picking things around the house. Make an effort to become a better person if you want to get ex boyfriend back.

Finally, you should be available – to him and others. If someone asks you out on a date, accept it. You don’t have to be head over heals in love with a guy to go out to dinner with him.

As your ex sees you as a desirable catch, he’s going to want to get back into your life. By focusing on the positive and working on your strengths and weaknesses, you are sure to get ex boyfriend back.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dont Wait How To Get Over Someone Fast

When a relationship ends, especially if you're not the one who ended it, how to get over someone becomes very important. It’s not always easy to get over a person you’ve been with, though. If you’ve been with that person for a very long time it’s even harder. It might be pretty easy to get over a relationship that’s lasted 3 months. But if you've been with someone for 3 years, it's hard to get over that person at all, let alone get over them quickly. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to speed up the process.

When you're wondering how to get over someone, sit in a chair in your living room or bedroom, wherever there’s a very strong sense of the other person. Remove anything that reminds you of that person a great deal. This isn't always easy to do, but every little bit helps. If you've bought a dog together, for instance, of course you won’t want to get rid of the dog. But anything your ex bought for you that’s on display like a knick-knack or something hanging on the wall would be a good thing to remove for a while.

If you have lots of things that will remind you of your ex, you're probably wondering how to get over someone without making your rooms completely bare. But even if you picked out practically everything together, you don’t have to remove everything to make this work. Just choose items that have particularly strong memories.

Maybe you picked out the couch together, but it's one of the throw pillows that you bought or the figurine on the end table he or she gave you as a gift that seems to make you feel sad when you look at it. Remove those items and store them for a while, just to make things easier on you.

If you’re having a really hard time and feel that you can handle it, you can think of all your ex’s bad qualities. Of all the methods of how to get over someone, this is the one where you actually think of your ex the most, so if just the very thought of them brings you to tears you might not be ready for this step. Think of the things you disliked the most about them. If you can’t thing of anything, just move on. But most of us can come up with a long list of things we dislike about someone, especially if they were the ones to end the relationship.

A popular method of how to get over someone is to simply start dating again. Many people balk at this idea—they think they still love the ex and aren’t ready. You can do this even if you’re still in love with your ex. No one says you have to fall in love anytime soon. But dating or even going out with friends isn’t just how to get over someone, it’s how to keep from feeling sorry for yourself while you try.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Im Having Trouble Dealing With Break Up

When you are having trouble dealing with break up it is only natural. There is nothing to be ashamed of because everyone does. The important thing to do is to decide how you are going to dealing with break up.

You have two ways that you can go about dealing with break up. The first is to let it tear you apart. The second is to overcome it and become stronger because of it. There is a saying that that whatever doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger but that all depends on your attitude and how you decide you will be dealing with break up.

This break up may have been the most devastating thing you have gone through but you don’t have to let it destroy you. What makes you a survivor is you deciding that this moment will not define you. A marriage ending in divorce or any type of relationship ending is difficult. If it was due to someone’s infidelity or an affair then you may have self-esteem issues that you need to get some counseling to help you through it. The same is especially true if there was abuse of any kind involved. If you were on either side of those issues, seek some help. Dealing with break up for any reason can cause some long-term problems if they aren’t dealt with soon.

When you are dealing with break up you want to be strong after you have gone through all of it. By deciding that you are going to come out a winner and stronger you are going to be helping yourself by giving yourself some positive focus and good goals to achieve. Don’t let this consume you. You have to be able to move on. Winning this is learning that there is life after this relationship and finding that life.

Also, don’t decide that you just want to survive, decide that you are going to THRIVE! Realize that your best days are ahead of you. Wake up each morning trying to focus on what good things can come on this day and try to be excited about what tomorrow holds. Focus on the good things that life has to offer. Life is over just because that relationship ended. You don’t have to lie to yourself and others. Believe that today is a gift and that you are fortunate because you have an unopened gift waiting for you just around the corner. Once you start believing that, you won’t have any more problems dealing with the breakup.

Breaking up is hard to do but it is only as devastating as you let it be. A nasty breakup doesn’t have to be the end of you. It can and will be a new beginning. The breakup of a relationship doesn't have to bring the breaking up of your life. If you build a new foundation from the ruins of this tough breakup, chances are that you will have no problem dealing with break up in the future.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tips On How To Win Back Lost Love

To win back lost love is not at all natural for everyone and it's no wonder because it's not something most of us have any real understanding of how to successfully do. However, if you want to get back with someone who you're still in love with, then it is something you're going to have to understand and implement.

Once your ex has left the relationship and you know you want them back, it's time to start sorting out your head in order to get them back. No doubt there has been drama and emotional turmoil in the run up to the breakup and during the actual breakup. If you're going to win back lost love you're going to need to sort yourself out and do so on your own.

It is vital that you do not involve your ex as you attempt to clear your mind, because you need space and distance from your ex and they from you. So, if you are still in any form of contact with your ex then break off that contact now. Contact will only make you vulnerable. If you're vulnerable then you become someone whose ability to make rational and calm decisions becomes impaired. Get out from under your ex and stand on your own two feet until you can honestly say that you are through the worst of the initial breakup.

Equally, do your best to avoid spending too much time on your own. Because as much as you need to be away from your ex, you also need to have people around you. Spending too much time on your own brings a real risk of you becoming depressed and low. You might also find that if you're on your own too much, then you can struggle with the temptation to call or try to see your ex. So find your friends. If you need to make new friends, then do so. Do anything to avoid being home alone night after night.

To win back lost love make sure that you are clear about the mistakes that were made in the relationship by you. Yes your ex no doubt made their fair share of mistakes, but for now your concern is your own behavior since that is the only thing you can realistically control and affect.

Come to terms with your weaknesses and make sure that if you need to do some work on yourself that you put in place the right mechanisms to do so. That may involve discussing your situation with a professional or it might mean changing the way that you cope with certain situations.

Whatever you need to do to win back lost love, if you are serious, then you need to get on and do it before it's too late.