Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rekindle the fire of love that has been extinguished

Should you and your ex lover back together? This is an ancient yet timeless question that is often questioned by each pair of lovers when they are faced with a breakup. If you seriously want to re-unite with your ex-lover, the first thing you should do is provide a little time to ponder.

You should be able to decide whether to be a good thing for your ex-lover if he re-united with you. You should think about whether the state will again be as before if you both truly reunite. Can you to identify problems that lead to separation, so you can prevent it to happen again.

Easy for you to just think about the good times that you feel with him. If you want to answer the question, "Should you go back with him?", You should be able to think about the whole situation objectively, including about the good times and dark times.

In fact, most relationships are basically very valuable to be saved. There are some, who does not supposed to love relationship to be saved. So, should you and your ex lover back together? It all depends on how much time you spend in happiness with him and how much time you spend on conflict, debate or other problems? If your love relationship is not stable, it might be best farewell forever. So, should you struggle to get his love back? Probably not.

If you do decide to go back on him, you have to realize that too harass a former lover to return or forcing yourself to go back to him in a hurry will not make things better. Should be, the best you can do is reflect on your past relationship, give your ex lover time to think about himself, and give yourself time to think about your current situation before you decide to take an action.

Do not pleading, coerce or begging your ex-lover to return, because the action based on a sense of despair would be ineffective and will only make the situation more difficult for you.

Stop destroying and self-pity. Even if you regret your actions that have caused the breakup, do not despair and drowning in regret. Who had then let it be passed. Focus your attention on your life now.

Should you and him back together? Play it with a mature manner, so you can see things more clearly. Do not hurry, obtrude or take action based on despair, because it will contaminate your ability to get back your lost love. Whether it's love of your ex-lover or your new love.

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